
The Factors Related to Density of PM 2.5 in Ambient Air: A Study Based on Statistics

Zhuoqun Cao


  1. Introduction


PM 2.5 is defined as the fine particles in ambient air with the diameter equal to or less than 2.5 mm. It can suspend in the air for a long time and has significant influence on air quality and visibility. Higher density of PM 2.5, more serious air pollution will be. In addition, PM 2.5 is a great threat for human health. In October 2013, World Health Organization for the first time identified PM2.5 as carcinogen. Especially it can lead to lung cancer.


In September 2010, NASA published a map of global air quality, which especially showed the density of fine particulate matter around the world. According to the map, the area around Beijing, China, has the highest PM 2.5 concentration. This article concerns about the factors related to density of PM 2.5 in ambient air, based on the statistics of Beijing air quality reports.



   Figure 1 Map of Global Air Quality


  1. Methodology and Data


In the paper, I use EXCEL as my tool to analyze the PM 2.5 data in the time period from December 2013 to November 2015. The Beijing air quality data can be found at The history weather of Beijing can be found at and I adopt the technology of hypothesis testing and correlation to study whether the factors including wind level, rain day, Spring Festival and government policy affect the density of PM 2.5.


The original weather data of wind only provide a range instead of specific level. To deal with this problem, I assign random number in the wind level range as specific wind strength. This is for two reasons. First of all, wind level approximately corresponds to linear relationship with wind strength. Secondly, wind level is an overall monitoring result of different stations in different time. In other word, there is no way to decide a certain wind level for entire city in a whole day, which means the weather report can not accurately reflect the real situation. Therefore, using random number in the level range could be an appropriate way to eliminate observation error. In addition, I only classify raining weather to 2 types: rain and no rain, because it is hard to digitalize the raining condition.


  • Weather Factors


As we all know, air quality is mainly affected by wind and rain. In this part, to test whether wind and rain can reduce density PM 2.5, I calculate correlation coefficient between PM 2.5 and wind level. Besides that, I test the null hypothesis that PM 2.5 is higher in the raining day and PM 2.5 is higher in the after the raining.


  1. Wind


A Scatter Chart of PM 2.5 and Wind is showed in figure 2. The EXCEL result showed that correlation coefficient between PM 2.5 and wind level based on this model is 0.01724. With hundreds times of modifying random value of wind level, the correlation coefficient r is no more than 0.1.

Because the value of Person’s r is very close to 0, it can be inferred that there is no linear relationship between PM 2.5 and wind strength. Also, from the scatter chart, it is hard to justify other relationships.


Although, wind makes contribution to the diffusion of other pollutant, it cannot reduce the density of PM 2.5.


Figure 2 A Scatter Chart of PM 2.5 and wind



  1. Rain


To test whether the means of PM 2.5 value are different in raining day and no raining day, I need to test whether their variances are equal.


Null hypothesis: the variances are equal

Test statistic: ratio of variance = Var1/Var2= 4877.7415/2161.6011=2.2565

According to EXCEL, P –value =2.6092* < 0.05

Reject the null hypothesis. Their variances are not equal


Then test whether the means of PM 2.5 value are different using unequal variance

Null hypothesis: the mean of PM 2.5 in raining days is higher

Test statistic:   t = 1.066

According to Excel, P –value = 0.144

If use 0.1 as significance level, cannot reject null hypothesis. The result cannot confidently show the mean of PM 2.5 in raining day is lower. But P –value is not high. The reason for this dilemma is that raining impact on PM 2.5 is showed in the next day. It is totally possible that the statistical result of air quality was published during or before the rain. In this circumstance, air quality data will ignore the influence of rain.


To exclude this situation, I test whether the means of PM 2.5 value are different in the day after raining and no raining day

Test whether their variances are equal

Test statistic: ratio of variance = Var1/Var2=4784.3258/2022.8269=2.365

According to EXCEL, P –value = 3.99* < 0.05

Reject the null hypothesis. Their variances are not equal


Then test whether the means of PM 2.5 value are different using unequal variance

Null hypothesis: the mean of PM 2.5 in the days after raining is higher

Test statistic:   t = 5.4502

According to EXCEL, P –value = 9.6318* < 0.05

Reject the null hypothesis. The means of PM 2.5 value in the days after raining is lower than the days without raining.


To conclude, rain can reduce the density of PM 2.5, but the effect is more apparent in the following day.



  1. Human Factors


Many researches point out that human activities including industrial emissions, fuel combustion and auto vehicle exhaust. In China, Spring Festival is the most important day for all families gathering together to celebrate Chinese New Year. In that time, some factories stop working and a large number of people will leave Beijing and go back to hometown. The PM 2.5 concentration could change during that period. Besides that, in 2014, Beijing held the APEC global meeting. Also, in 2015, Beijing conducted military review to celebrate The National Day. During these periods, government implement a vehicle limit policy and stopped all the factories around Beijing. Due to the government policy, PM 2.5 could also changed in that time.

Therefore, in this part, I focus on these special days to test whether the density of PM 2.5 decreased.


  1. Spring Festival


In Spring Festival, a large number of people will leave Beijing and go back to hometown. Most citizens live in Beijing also prefer staying at home for celebration. Beijing would become empty which probably reduce the density of PM 2.5.


To verify my assumption, I select 17 days, from 2 days before Spring Festival to Lantern Festival, as sample because it will cover most time of “empty Beijing”. Then I choose 17 days later to make paired comparison. Because fireworks are forbidden except Spring Festival, it can be another uncertain factor related to PM 2.5. Only by choosing the days after Spring Festival can I reduce the influence of burned fireworks during festivals.


First, test the data in 2014. Spring Festival is 1/30/2014.

In paired observation, the null hypothesis is: the mean of differences is equal to 0.

Test statistic:

t = 3.6452

According to EXCEL, P –value = 0.00218 < 0.05

Reject the null hypothesis. The mean of difference is not equal to 0.

In 2014, the mean of PM 2.5 value after Spring Festival is higher than the mean of PM 2.5 during Spring Festival.


Secondly, test the data in 2015. Spring Festival is 2/19/2014.

In paired observation, the null hypothesis is: the mean of differences is equal to 0.

Test statistic:

t = 0.599

According to EXCEL, P –value = 0.2788 > 0.05

Cannot reject the null hypothesis. The mean of difference is equal to 0.

In 2015, the mean of PM 2.5 value after Spring Festival has no significant difference with PM 2.5 during Spring Festival.


One probable explanation for this contrast result is that paired observation is not a suitable model to test differences in means. The other reason could be changing of weather condition. In 2015, Spring Festival was late. The paired sample after festival is in March, in which month temperature increased apparently.


Figure 3 depict the variation of PM 2.5 during Spring Festival. Both graphics show 3 peak values around the dates of Spring Festival, end of vacation and Lantern Festival. The peak values indicate large amount of burned fireworks, which is correspond to human habited behavior.



Figure 3 a Variation of PM 2.5 during Spring Festival in 2014



Figure 3 b Variation of PM 2.5 during Spring Festival in 2015


According to the analysis above, the density of PM 2.5 could drop down during Spring Festival. However, because of the large amount of fireworks, the effect is not apparent.



  1. Government Policy


In 2014, Beijing held the APEC global meeting. From 3 November to 12 November, Beijing implemented vehicle limit policy and stopped factories around capital city. Also, from 20 August to 4 September 2015, same thing happened due to military review. I select PM 2.5 values from those days and test whether it against the mean of whole data.




Null hypothesis: the mean of PM 2.5 values during APEC meeting is larger than whole data mean.

Test statistic: because population standard deviation is the STD of whole data, I use normal distribution.

Test statistic:

Z = 1.5039

According to EXCEL, P –value = 0.0663 < 0.1

Almost can reject null hypothesis, the mean of PM 2.5 values during APEC meeting is lower than whole data mean.


Null hypothesis: the mean of PM 2.5 values during military review is larger than whole data mean.

Test statistic: because population standard deviation is the STD of whole data, I use normal distribution.

Test statistic:

Z = 3.6161

According to EXCEL, P –value = 0.0001495 < 0.05

Reject null hypothesis, the mean of PM 2.5 values during military review is obviously lower than whole data mean.


To conclude, car limit policy can reduce vehicle exhaust. Stopping industrial factories lower the combustion of fuels. These factors make contribution to decrease of PM 2.5 density.


  1. Summary


In the article, I test four factors including wind, rain, vehicle exhaust and fuels combustion related to the density of PM 2.5. Statistical results showed that wind cannot diffuse PM 2.5 concentration, but rain can. Reduction of vehicle exhausts and fuels combustion can originally cut off the source of PM 2.5. Although in different principles and methods, these factors can both efficiently reduce the density of PM 2.5 in ambient air.



                                                                       Plagiarism Research Paper

In western concepts, “intellectual property” is defined as “creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce (World Intellectual Property Organization). As for academic integrity, the definition is that students and faculty should be honest and responsible in scholarship. L. Milton (2015) pointed out “integrity in academia has also been related to the topic of ‘good governance’, which addresses the values, principles, and outcomes of an organization’s daily operations and the requirement for a workplace to have integrity, standards, guidance, and monitoring” (p. 18). In the Webster dictionary, the integrity means “an adherence to ethical principles” (George Mason University, 2013). The definition of plagiarism is that the using or coping of intellectual property such as ideas, language, research without permission and proper acknowledgement, giving others the false impression that it is original work (Crowder,

Mikulay and E. Turvey 2013). The definition of plagiarism in my own discipline is geoscience is that the action of using stealing or coping someone else’s production, ideas, or research without permission and acknowledging the source and then claiming credit for them (Solarino, 2015).

Academic honest is really significant, since integrity is not only a traditional virtue and moral character, but also a basic principle of doing research and an important norm to evaluate someone’s quality. Besides that, it provides a criterion to reflect and evaluate one’s academic level. Academic integrity is vital for future development of professional career because people with higher integrity are more innovative and productive than those with lower integrity (Bieliauskaitė, 2014). From my personal experience in China, there is an obvious comparison in the view of academic integrity between China and the U.S. When I studied for bachelor degree in Chinese university, sometimes the academic integrity was not important for us. We did not pay much attention to the citation, if we just used a concept or applied the methodological or cited the relevance of other researches. Usually, we provided the citation only when we want to included and cited the result of others. Besides that, Chinese students don’t adopt the APA or MLP format for citation, we use the footnote to mark other sources and write the references in the end of article. Due to this significant academic integrity difference, I was really confused and uncomfortable with those direct quotes and rephrases in western research paper. Now that I know the importance academic integrity, I will pay more attention to avoid the plagiarism.


Plagiarism occurs in various ways. According to the website (, plagiarism may occur in the following forms:

1. Direct Plagiarism

Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks.

2.Self Plagiarism

Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved.

3.Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks, or finds synonyms for the author’s language while keeping to the same general structure and meaning of the original.

4.Accidental Plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution.

With the rapid development of Internet, there is a new kind of academic dishonesty called cyber plagiarism. It refers to people utilizing internal technology to copy and paste the work or research of others without citing source information.


As for avoiding plagiarism, some scholars come up with many tips, such as writing the references in advance in case of forgetting. Or use our own words instead of copy. These might be useful but as far as I’m concerned, the focal point is that we should clearly remember the principle of plagiarism: scholar claims credit for someone else’s work or ideas or uses/copies parts of someone else’s work without acknowledging the source(Solarino, 2015). If we canconstantly remind ourselves what is plagiarism, we will avoid it when writing academic paper.



  • Jolanta Bieliauskaitė (2014). On the way to professionalism – the     promotion of law students’ academic integrity Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 4229-4234
  • Stan Crowder, Shawn Mikulay, Brent E. Turvey (2013). Chapter 2 – Ethical Issues for Students of Criminal Justice Ethical Justice

·       Stefano Solarino (2015). Chapter 9 Ethical Behavior in Relation to the Scholarly Community: A Discussion on Plagiarism Geoethics

·       Constance L. Milton(2015).   Ethics and Academic Integrity Nursing Science Quarterly 2015, Vol. 28(1) 18–20


ORientation                       Knicks-vs.-Wizards-NBA-In-Game

   Pathway Reflection Essay

  Zhuoqun Cao   John

In my first graduate pathway semester, there were various meaningful events, wonderful activities, important assignment and interesting experience that help me engage in Mason campus and American culture.


The first significant event I joined was Orientation week started from 24th August. During that week, I finished many elementary and compulsory activities such as Into Mason and immigration Check-in, icebreaker with my group members, activated Mason Email and get my Mason ID card, finance check and open advising, academic overview and advising of graduate pathway, scavenger hunt.


The orientation is very significant because I am freshman in campus and it was the start point of my life in Mason. Through the check-in, I formally became a member of George Mason University. I also started the Email and got my Mason ID card which were the most useful tools in campus. Through scavenger hunt activity, I was familiar with the location of different buildings in campus. Furthermore, I knew the sources that can seek for help and information. Icebreaker activity provided me an efficient channel to socialize and make lots of new friends from different country. Besides that, with the academic overview and advising, not only I found the basic requirements of my graduate program and the classes I would take in the future, but also I knew the important website such as “mymason” and “patriot web” which were very useful for academy. Although, I cannot say the orientation settled all the challenges I faced in foreign country, it do helped me access to American university and solve many confusion and questions in Mason. I really appreciate.


Another event I participated is “Exam Strategy”. It was mainly about testwiseness and how to prepare for test. In the event, the speaker collected the reviewing methods from each student and discussed about the most efficient way to prepare for test. Besides that, the speaker provided an appropriate way to take note. Finally the presentation came up with many interesting and useful tips that can be adopted in exam.


I joined this event because, as we all know, exam is an inevitable and unavoidable challenge faced by every student in university. On the other hand, since all the classes are taught in English, which is totally different from my native language, and the teaching format might also be unfamiliar for me. This event seemed more significant for international students. Through the reviewing strategies provided by the speaker, I learned the efficient way to prepare for test is figuring out what I know, what I do not know and what am I supposed to do first. After that reviewing with pertinence of the knowledge I have not grasped and do regular self-testing. Besides that, with the strategies and tips for taking test, such as do easy question first, read directions carefully, ending with summary sentence, seek for hints in the question and inference according to common senses. After listening the presentation, I firmly believe I better developed my own strategies for exams and know how to prepare for test efficiently.

In this semester, I also took a useful EAP (English for Academic Purpose) 508 class. According to the class syllabus, the aim is for students to be able to identify linguistic structures and rhetorical features common in their discourse communities and for students to gain confidence and strategies for contributing to the scholarship of their fields.


It consist of two primary areas, GCLP(Graduate Classroom Language Portfolio) and MCP(Multidisciplinary Colloquium Project). In GCLP part, I read, annotated and analyzed 5 academic papers. I also looked into the way that scholars did their research and finished lots of writing assignments. I firmly believe that through this project, I increased my complexity, adequacy, and accuracy in English language production. On the other hand, MCP part focused on exploring my field and writing a literature review of my own project. Until now, I have finished the curiosity journal, research plan and synthesis, independent analyze etc. This experience helped me with preparing for and presenting at a professional conference. The outcome is pretty wonderful, not only I improved writing skills but also knew the process and key steps of doing research. The more important thing is I learned how to synthesize other sources and come up with my own argumentative edge.


Besides the wonderful in-campus experience above, I also visited MCI arena recently to watch a NBA game between Washington Wizard and New York Knicks. During the game, although Carmelo Anthony, the famous guest team player, performed an unstoppable shooting show and gained 37 points in the whole game, John Wall and Bradley Beal together made greater contribution to the home team’s win.


As we all know, the love for sports is a significant part of American culture. By watching the NBA game on live, I was deeply affected by the audiences’ enthusiasm. They cheered for the wonderful performance of home team and made lots of noisy when guest team player standing on the free throw line. I loved the hot atmosphere on court, and I firmly believed I have access into American sports culture by watching sports game on live.



earth-science               baffin-island_832_610x343

                                                                    Statement of Purpose

By Zhuoqun Cao John

The marvelous solution cavities, distinctive karst landform and venerable silicified wood in the Silicified Wood National Geological Park where I toured for a visit in my childhood aspired my interests in geographic science. Curious and eager, I wanted to work out the reasons for these unique geological phenomena. I got the keys to my puzzles to the aforesaid geology by studying geological courses in my middle school. There are a number of factors at play, including the earth’s inner structure, the plate tectonics, climates and environment. My college study opened me other door from which I accessed to the wide application and promising prospect for geological science. The geographic information system, for example, has been prevailed in human life and is applied for navigation and strategy making for governmental and commercial institutions.


The September of 2010 witnessed my enrollment in Zhejiang University with a specialty of Geoinformation Science & Technology. My undergraduate education has been an essential preparation for the application. From courses such as the Fundamentals of the Earth Materials, Fundament of the Structure Analysis, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Biological Evolution and Historical Geology, I has developed an insight of the relationship between geographic properties and tectonic forms and formed a systematic understanding about subjects and methods for geoinformation science and technology. Beard in the mind to acquire as much as hand-on operations as an applied science student, I was active to learn courses related to GS, GIS and GPS and had an insightful understanding about 3S technology. In addition, I was apt at solving geographic problems with computer software. I used Envi to proceed simple remote sensing images and ArcGis software to make map compilation and modification. Visual Studio, SQL Server and Fortran Language proved to be of great importance to my programming and geographic database construction. During my courses study, I found myself the most interested in geophysics, which boasts cutting-edge strength in geoinformation science and technology. It provides investigators with a macro view for researching into geological structure and will be beneficial for resource exploration.


One of the initiative research programs I dedicated to is Multiple-scale Geological Map Management System in June 2012. Actually, the project was a secondary development based on the current software platform to realize the geologic map management. As a green hand, I spent much time in reviewing documents and designing my own research, which promoted my ability of searching, assessing and criticizing literature. During the research section, I was especially confronted with obstacles on selection of platform and programming language. By comparing the characteristics of platforms and languages, I preferred to choose VS2012 programming and C language to achieve the function. Since I did not familiar with Visual Studio programming, I learnt by myself the related knowledge. After monotonous repletion and multiple times of debugging, I managed to realize the index programming.


The above experience played a milestone influence for my following experiments. The purpose of the experiments was to use the finite difference method to achieve the wave field numerical simulation, and find a more efficient algorithm to calculate the simulation progress. Before the start of the project, I referred to more than fifty professional documents on the approach for wave field numerical simulation. I tried hard to have a better understanding about the system instruction of Linux System and master the steps, theories and implementation methods for finite difference method and iterative algorithm. To work out the feasibility of finite difference method for the high-efficiency simulation, I compared different iterative methods and finally applied SOR iterative method. When I encountered failure for function convergences, I came to debug the programming, optimize finite difference method in view of its parameter, initial value, and iterations and eventually realize the best wave field simulation. The success in solving the problem proved my anticipation and further fired my enthusiasm for research. My devotion to the research was a valuable experience of internalizing and applying new knowledge.


As a practical student, I also participated in a field cognitive practice in sophomore to fuel my passion for geo-information science and technology and cultivate my ability to conduct geographic work. During the 13-day lasting field practice, we moved across the mountain areas in Xinchang, Xihu, Lian’an and Jiande. By taking detailed notes of the properties, distributions and characteristics of rocks on the way, I applied what I learnt into actual use and burst into new comprehension. In addition, I became a veteran for using compass, geographic hammer, flexible rule, and magnifying glass after this practice. When the practice completed, I wrote a 47 page practice report in which I illustrated my gains both in academic accumulation and field practice skill cultivation. With enriched professional theories and matured field experimental ability, I organized another field practice in senior year. As team leader, I should formulate investigation lines and assigned tasks to members. I gained a lot from this field practice. To begin with, I mastered the basic knowledge and operating methods for geological mapping, including field reconnaissance, sample collecting, geological sketch, calibrating geological observation spot and description of observation route. Then I improved the ability to observe, communicate and solve problems for geographic observation.


In January 2013, I interned in China Petroleum Natural Gas Co., Ltd. Daqing Refining and Chemical Branch Company to learn to operate system and method for petroleum preparation. Under the instruction of senior workers, I visited the main control rooms of lubricating oil, polyethylene and oil refinery and made a site observation of refining equipment. I also learnt how to operate DCS system and regulate technical parameters of production equipment. To collect and summarize working data is another work I should do in the internship. Via referring to piles of documents, I had a deeper understanding about property of petroleum product and absorbed amount of professional terms. My internship in this refining company not only allowed me to learn the technological process, but also reminded me the importance of safety production, which plays an essential role in economic and environmental production of petroleum resources.


My undergraduate study, scientific researches and internship have armed me with attentive and insightful professional accumulation and research competence, however, I was insufficient in geophysics knowledge due to tight course schedule and limited experimental conditions in my university. Meanwhile, without entry to professional geology and geography companies for internship led to my weak in applying various types of exploratory technologies into actual use. My resolute to study in the U.S. will satisfy my need for geophysics resources, enlarge my scope of Earth science and improve my practical research ability. A closer access to the advanced technology and research achievement will further broaden my horizons and generate new ideas. My research qualities and the advanced research source in the U.S. will make for my future study and career path.


The MS in Earth System Science in George Mason University offers me the chance to access to far-reaching and interdisciplinary research activities. I am especially interested in the research fields including geography, geophysics, seismology and geochemistry. I plan to find a job related to my professional knowledge to enhance my experience and skills. My ideal workplace is in ION Audio LLC, Petroleum Software Technologies, Dakon Technologies, Inc. and BGP.

Zhuoqun Cao   D.O.B.: MAR 28, 1992     Phone: 703-832-6446

3737 Richard Avenue, Fairfax, VA, USA 22031

Educational Background                                                                               

George Mason University  Into Graduate Pathway Program in Earth System Science       09/2015-present

Zhejiang University B.S. in Geoinformation Science & Technology    GPA:3.35/4.00   09/2010-06/30/2014

  • Achieved professional scholarships for 2010-2011 Academic Year and 2011-2012 Academic Year

Research Experience                                                                            

Team Leader, Field Practice in Chaohu, Anhui                                           08/2013-09/2013

  • Designed exploration route and target, assigned tasks, mastered operating methods for geological mapping
  • Wrote 30-page report, improved the ability to observe, communicate and solve problem for geological observation

Major Participator, Multiple-scale Geological Map Management System, Zhejiang University 06/2012-05/2013

  • Researched geographical coordinates of geological maps, developed geological map management software, wrote certain program with C/C++ language
  • Established database, systemized geological maps with scales, and successfully positioned in small-scale map

Participator, Field Practice in Hangzhou Xihu, Lin’an and Jiande                         06/2012-07/2012

  • Learnt basic stratum and geological structure in Hangzhou and areas nearby, mastered the way to use field geological instruments and cultivated practical ability
  • Had a better knowledge about the form, property and identification method for rock and wrote practice report

Participator, Copper Sulfate Crystal Preparation                                       09/2012-11/2013

  • Sought for material on solubility curve of copper sulfate online, prepared the solution under high temperature and cooled the solution to room temperature for small crystals
  • Selected a complete crystal, grew it in a beaker filled with saturated solution of copper sulfate and record data

Assistant, Museum in Department of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University                        04/2013

  • Classified rock fossil according to its marketed property and ingredient, cleaned, took photos and remade labels


Internship Experience                                                                            

Intern, Unisplendour Corporate Limited, Beijing                                     07/2013-08/2013

  • Translated student manual for ETC exchange program, assisted to handle issues for going abroad
  • Achieved appraisement from line manager and improved language and collaboration ability

Intern, China Petroleum Natural Gas Co., Ltd. Daqing Refining and Chemical Branch Company     01/2013

  • Learnt to operate system and method for petroleum preparation, visited main control rooms and made observation
  • Had better understanding about property of petroleum product

Intern, Honeywell (Beijing) Technology Solutions Labs, Co., Ltd., Beijing                   07/2012-08/2012

  • Completed administrative affairs, including counting fixed assets in the company, made financial statement, sent and received letters, held family day, purchased activity rewards, boosted communication and organization ability



  • Extensively use of ARCGIS and ENVI
  • Programing language including C/C++, FORTRAN
  • Mastery of MS office
  • Highly proficiency in Chinese

Extracurricular Activities                                                                        

Leader of Public Relation Union, College Chess Contest in Hangzhou                      11/2010, 04/2012

  • Connected with colleges in Hangzhou, sent invitation letter, made contact form, successfully earned sponsorship
  • Welcomed the participants, arranged accommodations and served as college guider, conduct promotion in college

City Volunteer, 2008 Beijing Olympics Games                                         07/2008-08/2008

  • Provided the passengers with voluntary service, including guiding and translation and helping those in need

Organizer, Danqing Basketball Team                                                     11/2010

  • Organized a 30 member basketball team, handle routine management, focused on team culture cultivation, trained  team members for higher craft and achieved excellent results in contests


                                                         Academic Advising and Plan of Study

  1. Introduction


My discipline is Earth System Science witch seeks to understand the Earth as an integrated system, including its past, present and future behavior, from the environments where life evolves on the surface to the interactions between the crust and its fluid envelopes (atmosphere and hydrosphere), with interests extending to the Earth’s interior. My program addresses the growing demand for trained professionals in the Earth sciences.

The degree emphasizes a research-oriented, global systems approach to studying the Earth and its systems- atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, including their interrelationships and interactions with the biosphere.

From my personal perspective, excepting the aspects of earth system, I prefer the research project related to the geologic and geographic topics. Because my undergraduate major is geology and I also master the tools and knowledge in GIS.


  1. Plan of Study Table


Course Title and Number Number of Credits Semester
CLIM 690 Scientific Basis of Climate Change (course only offered in the Spring semester) 3 Spring 2015
GEOL 513 – Hydrogeology (pre-requisite for lab-science courses in geology, calculus, chemistry ) 3 Spring 2015
GGS 533-001 – Geography of the North Africa and Middle East 3 Spring 2015
GGS 553-001 – Geographic Information Systems(pre-requisite for GGS 550) 3 Spring 2015
GGS 670 – Introduction to Atmosphere and Weather (course only offered in the Fall semester) 3 Fall 2016
GGS 900 – Colloquium Earth Systems Sciences (course only offered in the Fall semester) 1 Fall 2016
GGS 680-DL1 – Earth Image Processing(course only offered in the Fall semester) 3 Fall 2016
GEOL 601 – The Lithosphere(pre-requisite for graduate standing) 3 Fall 2016
GEOL 536 – Paleontology Seminar 1 Spring 2016
GGS 650-001 – Introduction to GIS Algorithms and Programming 3 Spring 2016
GEOL 799 – Master’s Thesis in Earth Systems Science Credits: 1-6(this is the culminating experience) (1-6)random Spring 2016



  1. Program’s requirement


credits requirement:

Candidates must successfully complete 30 credits outlined below, being mindful that 10 of these credits must be GGS courses and 10 of these credits must be GEOL/CLIM courses (“Culminating Experience” credits do not count towards this requirement). To be specific:

Earth Science Core (9 credits)

Techniques (6 credits)

Colloquium (2 credits)

Electives (10 credits)

Culminating Experience (3 credits)

Choose the culminating experience of either a thesis (totaling 3 credits) or a project (totaling 3 credits)


Grades requirement:

  • Minimum Overall GPA: 3.30
  • B or better in all courses, at least one A
  • No grades of NC, W, or IN permitted
  • Letter of recommendation from ESS Faculty 


For graduation, I am supposed to finish a project or a thesis. There is no intern requirement.

My Academic Advisors are Emma Cutrufello, Jones James, Robert Graham.

The Academic Advisor in my discipline is Ruixing Yang

I am supposed to meet my academic advisors when I am confused about the discipline requirements and courses. Also to make a good study plan suiting for me and fitting my level, I need the suggestions from the advisors. Finally, if I want to have a minor field or even change my major, I should ask for the permission of my advisors.

I believe I will meet my advisor at least 3 times per semester.

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